SUKA Committee-Elect 2014

SUKA is pleased to announce that as at close of nominations on 7 January, VT Rajah (Life Member) was nominated by Messrs. R Danapal and Ravi Gill (Corporate Members) to stand for election as President, SUKA.

In the meanwhile, VT Rajah has formed his committee -elect which are composed of the following SUKA members:-

VT Rajah (President)
Peggy Aziz-Quek (Vice President)
Radha Vijya Kumar (Treasurer)
Adeline Crouch (Secretary)
Sharliza Rahman ( Digital & IT Support & Membership Secretary)
Anu Balamurali
Manjit Sidhu
Yvonne Griffin
Ranjit Sidhu

In the run-up to the AGM, VT Rajah shall be contacting you to seek your support and votes.